Overcoming Incontinence

Incontinence occurs in men, women and people of all ages. It is not a symptom you should have to live with, nor should you be expected to.
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About incontinence:

  • Bladder leakage is NOT a symptom people have to put up with
  • Incontinence occurs in men, women and people of all ages
  • Drinking less fluid is NOT the answer to improving incontinence
  • Incontinence can be managed by seeing a specialist continence physiotherapist
  • An Australian study showed 83% of women with stress incontinence (leakage with cough, sneeze and exercise) were significantly improved in 1-5 treatments with a continence physiotherapist.
  • Pelvic floor exercises are often a key component to management

 What can I do now? (before seeing a continence physio)

  • Take note of frequency of toileting
  • Take note of certain triggers for your incontinence such as cough, sneeze, running, or particular times of urgency
  • Make a booking with Sophie, you do not require a doctors referral to see a continence specialist physio

How can we help?

  • Sophie will assess the factors which influence your incontinence by taking a full medical and lifestyle history as well as using a trans-abdominal Real Time Ultrasound scan of the bladder to look at your ability to activate your pelvic floor muscles.
  • An individually tailored treatment management plan will be established based on these assessment findings.

About us

Physiotherapy treatment and rehabilitation clinic located in Albany, WA. Services include Hydrotherapy, Dry Needling, Workplace Screening, Women’s Health, Postural Rehabilitation, Electrotherapy, Joint Replacement and Pilates classes.

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